Office of the Superintendent
The superintendent is the Chief Executive Officer for the district. The superintendent leads and oversees all programs, operations, and personnel in the school district. The superintendent is responsible for leading and implementing the goals and policies set forth by the School Board, in alignment with the Garfield 16 mission and vision.
Dr. Jennifer Baugh
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Ms. Marilyn Mondragon
Executive Assistant to the Superintendent and Board of Education/Human Resources
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Mrs. Kim Finn
Data Management/State Reporting
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District Leadership Team
The district leadership team consists of principals, assistant principals, department supervisors, and coordinators. Each member of the leadership team leads and oversees his/her school and department, as well as collaborates on district-wide goals and initiatives.
Dr. Jennifer Baugh
Ms. Chelsey Gerard
Chief Financial Officer
Mr. Nathan Humphry
Director of Technology and Innovation
Mr. Kelly McCormick
Grand Valley High School Principal
Mr. Thom Godfrey
Grand Valley Middle School Principal
Mrs. Amber Clark
Bea Underwood Elementary Principal
Mrs. Kim Frees
Grand Valley Center for Family Learning Principal and READ Act Coordinator
Mr. Jason Arthur
Grand Valley High School Assistant Principal and Athletic Director
Mrs. Dana Speakman
Grand Valley Middle School Assistant Principal and Athletic Director
Mrs. Amber Scott
Bea Underwood Elementary Assistant Principal and Counseling Coordinator
Ms. Nicole Hills
Grand Valley Center for Family Learning Assistant Principal and Preschool Director
Mr. Gary Skalla
Director of Maintenance
Mrs. Jody Williams
Director of Nutrition Services
Mrs. Claudia Flores Cruz
School Based Family Resource Center Coordinator
Mr. Steve Gardner
Transportation Coordinator
Mrs. Cheyene Laidlaw
District Nurse and Health Services Coordinator
Ms. Nicole Loschke
Public Information and Grants Coordinator
Mr. Ari Philipson
Outdoor Education Coordinator