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FREE STEM Exploration Hour at Parachute Branch Library!

FREE STEM Exploration Hour at Parachute Branch Library!

Did you know the Aspen Science Center is hosting a "STEM Exploration Hour" at the Parachute Branch Library? Join us on September 9th from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm for a FREE hour of STEM!


¿Sabías que el Centro de Ciencias de Aspen está organizando una "Hora de Exploración STEM" en la Biblioteca de Parachute? ¡Únase a nosotros el 9 de septiembre de 11:30 am a 12:30 pm para una hora GRATIS de STEM!

First page of the PDF file: ParachuteSeptemberSTEMExplorationHourMonthlyFlyerEnglish_1
First page of the PDF file: ParachuteSeptemberSTEMExplorationHourMonthlyFlyerSpanish