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Youth Fly Tying Class

Youth Fly Tying Class

Join us at the Battlement Mesa Recreation Center every Monday at 1:00 pm for a Free Fly Tying Class! For ages 6-17. Register here:


¡Únase a nosotros en el Centro Recreativo Battlement Mesa todos los lunes a la 1:00 pm para una clase gratuita de atado de moscas! Para edades de 6 a 17 años. Regístrese aquí:

Youth Fly Tying Class. 4 week program starting february 3rd until February 24th. Every Monday at 1pm. Grand Valley Recreation Center- Aspen Room. Free- must pre-register. Information and registration- call 970-285-9480. Brought to you by Grand Valley Anglers and Jerry Mohrlang, and Alpine Bank