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GVMS Fall Concert Photos

GVMS Fall Concert Photos

GVMS hosted it's Fall Concert last month. Here are some photos taken by GVMS Yearbook students. The next GVMS concert is Wednesday, December 13, 2023 at 6:30 pm. See the GVMS Facebook page for more photos.


GVMS organizó su Concierto de Otoño el mes pasado. Aquí hay algunas fotos tomadas por estudiantes del Anuario GVMS. El próximo concierto de GVMS es el miércoles 13 de diciembre de 2023 a las 6:30 p.m. Vea la página de Facebook de GVMS para más fotos.

GVMS students sitting on the stage playing their ukuleles
GVMS band teacher directing her band students while they play their instruments during the fall concert
GVMS choir students standing on stage singing during the fall concert